Friday, October 7, 2011

Kuragehime update, finally!

"It's only natural that to the Amars calling a gentleman is equivalent to an ILLICIT SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP" (c) Clara

god bless their souls!

I've missed you all so much *sobs* And this chapter even features a grossed-out Kuranosuke, a crossdressing Shuu and - pay attention everyone - the Amars are hooked on kdrama LOL

And can I have a personal Mayaya pretty please to comfort me in moments of distress and trash-talk my enemies? I honesly didn't know that the Amars had such great comfort potential. I mean they stay true to themselves - Mayaya yells and makes loud references to the Three Kingdoms*, Bamba's her deadpan self, and Jiji, despite her slightly lecherous ghostly looks, can say the sweetest things.

Kuranosuke is still the brightest star of this universe, though. I wonder how one could think up such a brilliant, brilliant person and make him a crossdresser (that's not the surprising part yet) and make us all love him so goddamn hard to the degree when you're actually endeared by all his quirks.

*On the subject of the Three Kingdoms.

 Before seeing this awesome actionfest by John Woo I quite honestly didn't bother to give Mayaya's ramblings a second thought, and now I'm all like "Cao Cao-san? I KNOW HIM". Whatever we'd do without Hollywood to rely on the basic references to history or culture. Not saying anything on the quality of those references, but honestly, how many times have all of us got a cultural reference based solely on mass-culture products?

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